i'm so happy today cause you even dont know yet.
i've met kak sheeqa nurlis , mama ram, kak farah, sarah, aisyah, khalish and khairil.
ohh we met at dunkin donuts. i've ordered sunny egg. burger la. ada cheese. wow. give me one.
and and donuts. eeeeh. we vain dkt sana. haha. kak sheeqa yg best oh. iPHONE tu dia pgng. haha. nvm, banyak gmbr (:
and i'm the one took their photos. waah. bangga tu.
dripada pukul 7 smpi 10. tak best. sbb sekejap sgt. berebut jonas brothers jugk. haha. eeeeh.
nnt i will upload some photos that have been taken at DD.
comment :D
www.myspace.com/219219029. or i will make a slide show. and great time too see them again. hope so.
i will new post later.
thats for now.