Hello ;)
how are you?
friends, i want to share you guys something :)
yesterday, friday is it?
yes :D
i vain for 2 hours dpn rumah.
kinda weird? yes. i did.
takda keja mau buat. lgipun syila nk sign name.
so, i grabbed the camera and pa lagi, vain sana sini -.-
i love this the most :- and the tee, too ;)
it shows lot off radio and kinda sort of design.
mama yg belikn -.-
and i felt so thinggy, why those people adore this pic?
i mean, when i upload this picture in my myspace, kebanyakkan this picture cpat sgt org comment. and they said " cuuuuun doh gmbar ni."
ada yg talk about my hair la.
trust me, i dont even died my hair up (:
original tahu?
and seems like my hair getting longer than before.
and i want to mantain like this, can?
urrrm, and i adore the lighting.
thanks god :DDDD
this pic no edits cause i like the color and cuma tambah those numbers shj ;)

i love the tee. it shows one town and ada shops banners mcm KODAK, MCD, KFC and etc.
just colored those banners.
if you see in font of your eyes,
mmg cun tahap karma.
- sorry kalau english berterabur.
i feel so sleepy, thats why la english tahpape -.-
and that handsfree,
i bought it one day before this day.
the port is to handphone not computer or laptop.
i prefer bigger sponge than smaller (:
my mom adore yg scremo tu :D
mcm gila je, een?
and you guys can see my cat's food dkt seblh tu.
- just rockon (: